#KateBriggs24 Meeting Info and Part III Schedule
Hello everyone! I hope your summer is going well. I have a few quick announcements about our #KateBriggs24 project.
First, we are meeting this Saturday, August 17th, at 12pm PDT, 3pm EDT, and 8pm BST to discuss Elizabeth Jane Howard’s The Long View and Kate Briggs’s Entertaining Ideas.
Click here to join the meeting.
All are welcome to join us, no matter how much of the reading you have or haven’t done. The conversation will be informal, low-key, and fun.
Second, we will begin Part III of the project on September 7th. Kim and I are very excited to start up again! We will read Kate Briggs’s novel The Long Form and her translation of Roland Barthes’s lecture series How to Live Together. This last part of the project will continue until mid November.
You can see the full Part III schedule here.
Finally, enjoy this August 6th interview with Kate Briggs at The Creative Independent.
Until soon,
Rebecca & Kim