How is your reading of The Long View going? Have you begun Entertaining Ideas as well? I’m a couple chapters behind in The Long View but enjoying it very much and am wondering how far back in time the narrative will go and how I’ll feel about the novel’s structure when I reach the end. Will the ending feel satisfying or will I want to know more?
I have not begun Entertaining Ideas yet, but hope to begin it soon. As much as I’m enjoying The Long View, I don’t really know why Briggs chose to write about it. Ideas??
Kim and I plan to hold another zoom meeting toward the end of July, and we hope you can join us. In my next newsletter, I’ll ask about people’s availability and begin to make plans.
If you’re looking for more information and resources on Kate Briggs and this project, check out Kim’s website.
From Adam James Smith, always with great photos:
Here’s our reading schedule for the next two weeks:
Some thoughts from Twitter and Bluesky. Read to the end to compare The Long View covers:
From Nora:
From Catherine:
From Adam:
From Kasey:
From Kim — note the cover of her edition and compare to the ones below:
From Nora, with a different edition of The Long View:
And, finally, here’s the cover of my edition, which has a slightly-changed version of the picture above (or vice-versa). Which cover do you like best?
That’s all for now — thank you all for your company and your comments!
Rebecca and Kim